• darkblurbg


It is Time for a radical change towards more Love - Earth - Soul - Spiritual consciouness leaderschip. Because leaders play a major role in incentivising transformation. They have the knowledge and skills to initiate a change in their organization. Leaders who are successful in transformation work together from the heart frequency. They co-create and see their organization as a whole. They know that working together is a continuous process of natural and personal development.

Seven steps towards natural leadership to create a better world starts within yourself. A new challenge time and an exciting adventure where many leaders are struggling dese days.  A high sense of responsibility and the constant pressure of performance has made working mental top sport. The boom in information that engulfs us has brought an abundance of non-essential issues.

It is time for a different lifestyle to reconnect with ourselves and discover who we are, what we need and what our right environment is.

Our L.E.S.S. transformation training consists of: rediscovering your seven fields of consciousness, insight into cognitive programming, deprogramming and restructuring your system, meditation and yoga, ancient techniques, earth- and sound frequency, physical out of your mind activities, ecological nutrition. 7 lessons in 7 days within 7 dimensional fields.

A call for us to transform as organisations on a global scale, and to challenge ourselves on how we work as well as what we do.

“It’s all about Awareness, Consciousness
and take Responsibility”

7-days L.E.S.S. challenge  

A fundamental insight into the nature of reality. 

Unknown fields of consciousness are explored. Where courage, endurance, patience and nature come together. Natural forces are bundled to shape transformation. 

An exciting journey to reconnect organisations and teams with new levels of personal, spiritual dimensions and co creation.


L.E.S.S. leadership 

L.E.S.S. natural leading increases awareness of multiple higher dimensions and sensory perception in the 21st century.

This holistic, integral approach includes methodologies and techniques of 90/10 principle, Gung Ho, ACT, MBCT, meditation, universal laws and mindfulness. 

Cognitive, ethical, spiritual, kinesthetic, sensitivity and ancient earth frequencies will be exposed.

Developed for:

CEO's, managers, coaches, psychologists, social workers, counsellors and organisational development professionals specialised in HR. 

In a small group setting leaders are guided through a range of systematic mindful transformational leadership practices and everyday applications.

L.E.S.S. leading self means you know and understand your natural strengths and governing beliefs – your map of the world. It means you have found your authentic core and inner voice. 

L.E.S.S. self-leadership is about revealing this natural core, reconnect with your talents and gifts and being able to create value. 

Transformational leadership requires a changing consciousness in this Time of enormous change. A leader who naturally works in heart frequency from within intuition, co-creates in togetherness.

You will be guided by the best transcendent coaches in the most powerful places in Canarian island. In seven days, seven hours and seven steps you discover and experience a different field of consciousness.


By the end of the L.E.S.S. retreat, you will have improved your:

  • Gaining clarity, compassion, consciousness and courage
  • Building communities and increasing your natural leadership efficiency
  • Becoming spiritually wiser and increasing your talents
  • Learning a new, balanced and tolerant mind-set
  • Developing your abilities
  • Reducing anxiety, depression and stress
  • Improves physical, mental and spiritual health
  • Increasing self empowerment
  • Joy and productivity at work
  • Reinforce collective commitment and co-creation


Improve your intuition, empathy and self-awareness

7 hours - 7 days - 7 senses - 7 dimensions of consciousness

  • 7 days, 6 nights
  • costs: € 2.222,--
  • Max. 11 participants
  • Excl. tax, flights and additional coaching/therapy

Transformation Plan
After the training you will get the L.E.S.S. Handbook with your Transformation Plan for the coming future.

L.E.S.S. is a simple but integrated vision of who we really are as organisms in constant development.
Download complete L.E.S.S. Program (Pdf)

Our seven steps towards transformational leadership are all based on the nature and universal laws. Transformation starts to feel and see through ourselves in silence. Every day you experients the seven universal and earthly dimensions.

Starting with the first day of unity 

  1. Earthing - Breathing. Day of unity
  2. Bodywork -  Cognitive dissonance techniques. Correspondence and bodywork
  3. Ancient sound frequency. Vibrations and ancient sounds
  4. Mindfulness - Mindlessness. Dualism and polarities in mind and actions
  5. Heartfulness - Openness. Rhythmic and heartbeat
  6. Soul journey - Wakefulness. Cause and effect, our karmic processes 
  7. Natural Integration. Dynamic balance

Full board in authentic accommodation
Check-in time 10.00
Check-out and farewell 18.00

Local healthy food. Also possibilities for vegetarian and vegan food with a variety of organic products.

Single rooms.

Personalized assistance with reservation and registration.

Transfers during the retreat.

Hiking, climbing.

Nature excursions, including local guides.

Ancient culture experience tour
Excursions aboriginals tours, shamanic experience.

Before the training you fill in a problem analysis with personal working points as part of the L.ES.S.-study.

Additional coaching
EMDR, CGT, hypnotherapy, EFT, holistic massages, kundalini yoga meditation.

Follow up & After care
After the training you will get the L.E.S.S. Handbook with your transformation plan for the coming future.