Our daily holistic detox program contains radical, primal, liberating and cathartic practices. As well as stillness, integration and nature time.
For everybody who wants to purify, heal and ascend. Reconnect through the power of plant medicine, yoga and meditation. Only for those who are familiar with mother's nature medicine without contraindications.
Included in the cost of this retreat:
Dates 2020
April 26 - 2 May
May 13 -20
Sept 11 - 18
Excl. flights and additional coaching/therapy
Psychiatric indications such as borderline, schizophrenia and (predisposition for) psychosis are also contraindications. Anyone who is under treatment (not on their own initiative) by a psychologist or psychiatrist must first consult the practitioner and submit written advice should they wish to participate in an mother nature ceremony.
Medical indications such as heart problems and high blood pressure are a contra-indication for the use of mother medicine.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding is also a contra-indication for participate.