Gran Canaria has preserved its powerful natural environment in many places. Nature shows us so clearly that our health, self-development and consciousness are very closely linked.
For our transformation retreats we chose this astonishing and powerful island for everybody who wants to raise awareness in you being you to transform the world. In some ancient places you feel the heart earth connectedness were your senses are naturally stimulated and activated.
Since ancient times Gran Canaria are known for the most healthy climate in the world. People from all over the world visit to revitalize and rehabilitate. The mild temperatures and natural resources, the stunning night sky and the pure sea air make Gran Canaria a paradise for revitalize transformation retreats.
Event locations Gran Canaria
- Arteara
- Fataga
- Ayagaures
- La Canal
- Galdar
- Tejeda
- Tasartico
Heartfulness opens towards nature itself. The first inhabitants, the aboriginals, the Guanches had great communication with nature. They simply lived in harmonious connection with nature, each other and the cosmic forces. You still feel these energies were time stops and heart opens.
The Aboriginals, Guanches, now lost, evolved into complete isolation for more than 1500 years. The spiritual knowledge they had and the rituals they performed to connect the heavenly world, the earthly and the underworld at precise moments of the cosmic cycle. Are of great human value.